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PAX East 2019

We've got some great product to give away, along with partner prizes and extra loot for tournament winners!

We're excited to be partnering with our friends at Noble Chairs, Evil Controllers, Pixio, Origin PC, Hyper X, Wired Productions and Team 17!


PC and Xbox Game tournaments at 11:30 and 2:00 every day

We’ll be awarding our LS25 Headsets to the winners!

Come and compete in some 1v1 tournaments [CS: GO, Black Ops 4,] as well as some solo play. We also will be having out Overcooked Time Trials throughout the day!

Friday is our huge Madden Tournament at Noon with Ahman Green and Larry Ridley from the C4 Madden Series. Come compete with some of the best of the best and get a chance to play a pro!

Headset Raffle every day at 4:30

Win an LS25 and other secret prizes!

Also keep an eye on our social media for all updates and the chance to possibly meet some special guests!


Not Attending PAX?

Don't worry we have you covered! We'll be running a little something just for you! Make sure to check out our social media @lucidsoundaudio for all the details!